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Having no coverage can certainly be a financial risk to have, regardless of how healthy and young you may be. Getting insured early on can save a lot of money in the future during unexpected emergencies or accidents. And needles to say, if you do require medical attention, figuring out where you can get the money to pay for expensive medical bills is the last thing that you should be worrying about. That is why it is certainly important for students to acquire health insurance early on as this is the perfect time to get convenient and low cost insurance. And the great thing for students is that many of the colleges in Texas offer affordable and convenient coverage for all students. Therefore the following are a few options Texas students have when choosing student insurance.
Options for Students in Texas
There are three main options students have:
- Staying on a parent’s existing plan: this is great for students who may be going to school in-state; it also helps alleviate financial burden for the student as the parents will be handling the bills. In the state of Texas, students can opt to stay on their parent’s plan up till the age of 26. However, if you’re a student who is going out-of state, your parent’s pre-existing insurance may not be able to fully cover you (and may even be more expensive than simply acquiring a school-provided insurance)
- Student Health Plan: these plans are available for full time students and the advantage of having such a plan is that you are covered regardless of where you decide to travel in the United States
- University Plans: some universities offer their own coverage; the issue with these is that it may not be able to be used outside of the state or if you decide to go to college as a part time student. However, University Plans often do save a good amount of money if you are not already under your parent’s pre-existing policy.
Needless to say, each has their own advantages and disadvantages, but student health insurance tends to be the best for students, especially those who study out of state. Depending on the insurance plan, it can also be cheaper than getting an insurance policy from somewhere else.
In most cases, student health insurance is a must have, especially if you’re someone who frequently travels around the United States.
Texas Universities that Offer Health Insurance
There are many Universities in Texas that offer comprehensive student health insurance. A few of the major universities that offer insurance include: Texas State University, Rice University, and Texas Tech University. If you’re unsure if a University offers health insurance, be sure to contact their health administration’s department or check their website for more information.
Student Dental Insurance
Like regular health insurance, dental insurance is definitely important and can be substantially cheaper while attending university. And though some universities include dental in their plan while others don’t, there is definitely a host of insurance providers that can offer great dental insurance for students. Though dental insurance isn’t required by all schools, it can definitely come in handy if there is an emergency. And needless to say, healthy teeth is a sign for good overall health.
Anything Else?
Whether you’re in college part time or full time, there are many insurance options for you out there, all providing varying degrees of coverage for differing prices. And whether your plan on staying on your parent’s plan or opting for one provided through your university, good solid coverage can help alleviate a lot of frustration and financial burdens if an emergency does arise.